Humanity's Misfortune

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Humanity's Misfortune

Your one stop shop for Post-Apocalyptic hell scape.

    Life in the Wasteland

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    Life in the Wasteland Empty Life in the Wasteland

    Post  TheCaptain Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:47 pm


    From left to right:
    Drifters(Neutral); Runners (Mail Service); The Order of the Atom (Religious Fanatics); Rad Roaches (Marauders, looters, rapist); Wall Street Brokers (Traveling Merchants); Big Brother (Former Government Agents)

    Life in the Wasteland Variouscharacters

    Drifters only attack those who attack them.

    Runners are the same, in addition to ferrying messages back and forth between all factions.

    The Order of the Atom are at war with the Rad Roaches.

    Rad Roaches attack everybody, but are officially at war only with the Order of the Atom.

    Wall Street Brokers
    buy from and sell to everybody. They supply everything from food to slaves to mercenaries.

    Big Brother isn't officially at war with anybody, but tries to subvert and cause chaos amongst all the factions.

    Each faction has it's own settlements and it's own uniforms. In addition to these factions there are city-states like Humanity's Misfortune.

    Family life varies from faction to faction:
    The Drifters vary in their views on family.
    The Rad Roaches treat woman as nothing but slaves, and rape everything that moves.
    The Order of the Atom marry the first person they sleep with and if they cheat on that person are summarily shot in the head.
    The Wall Street Brokers never marry, and indeed punish those who get married.
    The Runners often marry for the sake of practicality, the one they marry becoming their partner in both their everyday life and on the job.
    Big Brother is a very secretive and small organization. They have only one settlement, a massive underground bunker complex, and no one who comes out of the bunker ever really speaks about what goes on inside. People are almost never seen entering it.

    Life for the Average Citizen:
    There are not many citizens in the wasteland around Baltimore. Only about 500 people are known to live within twelve miles to the south of the city. Of those 500, 100 live in the subways under the city. 200 live in various settlements run by the different factions. Another 100 are drifters, going from place to place and camping when they're tired. The remaining 100 live in Humanity's Hope, the largest settlement in known existence. It is a veritable Athens of it's time. The wildcard however is the underground bunker occupied by Big Brother. No one really knows how many people live down there. It could be anywhere from 1 to 1,000.

    The majority of the citizens in every settlement are farmers, however farming has taken on a different look since the bombs fell. Mushrooms are the most grown crop. Mushrooms and genetically modified wheat, barley, and other grains. Potatoes are popular as well. The second most common profession is as a soldier, of course. One could say the third most common profession is as a distiller; however, everyone has their own "Family Recipe" for good, stiff alcohol, it's a very rare person who calls themselves a distiller. General knowledge is that you can either be a farmer, or a soldier.

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:23 pm